
Donations to Kenilworth HeartSafe (KHS)

How to give your time & talents to Kenilworth HeartSafe

KHS is run and managed by local volunteers and we welcome whatever help we can get.  Essentially we would like to hear from anyone who wishes to consider helping us in the following categories: -

  • CPR and AED Trainers  - People who have obtained a recognized qualification in Basic Life Support and the use of an Automatic External Defibrillator, may be able to lead or support CPR/AED training events during daytime and evening sessions.  Whether you would lead or support initially would need to be discussed and would depend on your recent experience and confidence.
  • General Helpers & Assistants - If you are fit and active you may wish to help KHS in some way.  Possibly you would like to support one of our Qualified CPR and AED Trainers.  We may be able to arrange suitable training and experience for you to become  a qualified trainer.
  • Community First Responders - This is an area that KHS would like to move into in the future.  There is a real need for such people in our community but we do not currently have the human resources to participate.

Community First Responders respond to local emergency calls and provide life saving first aid in those vital minutes before an ambulance arrives. Community First Responders clearly need to be suitably qualified and experienced to undertake this extremely demanding and important role.

We would love to hear from you - If you are interested please complete the enquiry form on the Contacts Page of this website. 


How to give your money to Kenilworth HeartSafe

We would remind you of our Aims and Objectives- To preserve and protect human life in Kenilworth, Stoneleigh, Ashow, Burton Green and Leek Wootton (the community) by:-

  • The provision of training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) to residents of that community;
  • Supporting in the acquisition and maintenance of 24/7 publicly accessible AED’s registered with West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS) in strategic locations across the community to provide broad geographical coverage.


If you would like to donate to the funds of Kenilworth HeartSafe please send a cheque to our treasurer or contact him first as you wish


Neil Morris

Kenilworth HeartSafe (Registered Charity Number 1186462)

Brooks Lodge

18, Fieldgate Lane

Kenilworth CV8 1BT


Email -

Phone - 07836283652

Alternatively complete the enquiry form on the Contact page of this website




Send a cheque to Postal Address


Email -

Phone - 07836283652